Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's been one of the days that people in Iceland can only dream about. Or experience when traveling abroad. The wind is blowing softly and it's warm !?!. I did what I could never do in Iceland, left the jacket at home and went out for a walk. I got my hair cut, shopped a bit and, since I picked up my camera when I left Iceland last week, took some pictures.

This one is for Andrea. The little pink bicycle belongs to girl, who looked about 5-6 year old, traveling with the woman riding the bicycle bus. When kids in The Netherlands get about 4-5 years old they're expected to cycle on their own.

Here is the skislope in Hoofddorp as seen from my door.


  1. Vá, er hún svo með eitt sæti framan á og annað aftan á?
    Ég þarf svo að fara að taka hjólið fram og hjóla á því :)

  2. Taktu eftir að litla sætið snýst með stýrinu. Margir eru með plast vindhlíf, eins og á gömlu Harley Davidsson lögguhjólunum fyrir framan það litla.
    Verst að strákarnir þínir eru orðnir of stórir fyrir svona hjólastrætó. ;)
